
#I'm Sayed Edris Sadeed
A few Things I Hold Expertise In

Since beginning my journey as a freelance designer over a year ago, I've done remote work for agencies, consulted for startups, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and consumer use.


Front End Development

I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Languages I speak:    HTML, CSS, Git, Javascript.

Dev Tools:    Atom, VS code, Bootstrap, Codekit, Github.



I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.

Things I enjoy designing:    UX, UI, Web, Apps, Logos, Flyers.

Design Tools:    Affinity Designer, Font Awesome, Pen & Paper, Sketch Webflow, Adobe CS5.


App Development

Our lives will be facilitated by a myriad of adaptive applications running on different devices, with different sensors, all of them collecting tidbits about everything we do, and feeding big digital brains that can adapt applications to our needs simply because they get to know us.

Languages and frame works I use:    Dart, Flutter.

Dev Tools:    VS code, Android Studio, Flutter Emulator, Firebase.


Video Editing

Editing is not merely a method of the junction of separate scenes or pieces, but is a method that controls the 'psychological guidance' of the spectator.

Things i enjoy editing:    short informative videos, documentaries, aminations.

Dev Tools:    Adobe Ater effect, Adobe premier pro, Movavi.

#My hoobies

I enjoy playing sports like football. I have represented my school in national level tournaments. I love to write in my free time. I have tons of notebooks filled with plots, character sketches, and obviously some random doodles.
For me there cannot be a better pursuit than playing chess in my spare time.
Making animated video is my passion...


#My Recent Projects

I have completed some interesting projects







# Testimonials

People I've worked with have said some nice things...

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